Thursday, September 24, 2009

Berjaya Time Square Hotel



I’ve stayed in Berjaya Time Square Hotel for 3 nights.  It was comfortable and I find the location perfect for Bukit Bintang shops. 



The tall building on the side is berjaya time square hotelberjaya time square hotel 1I’ve stayed in a Deluxe Suite and it is worth every cents paid. 

What is unique about the room compared to other hotels is the vast space you get. 

I did read about some review indicating that the services were bad, which is not an issue to me,  I just wanted a quiet room and some privacy.berjaya time square deluxe room

Deluxe suite offers 62m2 of spaces, including a living room, dining room, long bath,separated shower and separated toilet

Normal already discounted rates are RM425 per night or RM625 for weekend. 




I find my short stay over there were enjoyable.

Highly recommended!!

Picture Below


The link between sleeping area and living room

berjaya time square deluxe room 2.


View from my window    berjaya time square hotel 4



The sleeping area berjaya time square hotel deluxe room 1



The living area berjaya time square hotel deluxe room




Outdoor garden area @ the hotel berjaya time square hotel


Hey…something new!!!

It’s a new fountain built outside pavilion!!!


pavillion foundain

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